Response Network inpartnership with the NCA/DCA joint country program Zambia is implementing the NANSEN project in Kazungula and Zimba districts.
The main objectives of theNANSEN project are
Ø Foodproduction
Ø Foodsecurity
Ø Valueaddition
Ø Improvingnutritional dense
Out of the exchange gains on the project .Response Network and the partner organization NCA/DCA Joint
Country Program, responded to the pro longed dry spell experienced mainly in
the southern part of the country, an effect of the El nino affecting the 23/24
farming season. Response Network and JCP Zambia under the NANSEN project undertook
a food distribution exercise in Nampongo and kapani communities.

The first distribution washeld on the 2nd May in Nampongo community at Nampongo Primary schoolof Kazungula district. The distribution exercise was graced by the presence of Kazungula District Administration Officer Mr Akabondo Mbeha, who represented the District Commissioner for Kazungula. Addressing the gathering Mr Mbeya commended Response Network and the partners for complimenting the government efforts in providing relief to families that had been affected by the drought,
He said ‘’Southern province was one of the provinces adversely affected by climate
change resulting in drought and dry spells’’. The distribution had 468 households receive the food packages at a cost of over K358, 000.Included in the food packs is Branded 25 kg mealie meal, 2 kg Sugar, 2 litres cooking oil,1 kg salt.

The Next distribution was conducted on 3rd May 2024 in Kapani Community of Zimba District. The distribution in Kapani was graced by the presence of Zimba District Commissioner Mr.Robinson Mulamfu who also commended the organization Response Network and the Partners Norwegian Church Aid and Danish Church Aid collectively known as the Joint Country Program Zambia for complimenting government efforts by Responding to the Republican Presidents declaration for drought as a National

He said ‘’by implication the declaration was a call by government to the Nations of the world and as well as stake holders in the country and outside the country to partner with Government. He said that by partnering with stake holders government would ensure that no citizen dies of the hunger situation being
experienced in some parts of the country’’.
220 households in Kapani received the food packages, which included 25kg mealie meal, 2 kg sugar, 2 litres cooking oil, 1 kg salt.

The distribution targeted direct participants of the NANSEN project in the communities. A sense of relief
was evident on faces of the many beneficiaries of the distribution, some of the beneficiaries interviewed expressed gratitude for the kind gesture shown to them by the organization and its partners, stating that food has been a challenge to almost all the households in the community because of the crop failure caused by the drought.

Headman Siandwazi encouraged the members of the community to work hard by being committed to the programs that are being implemented by Response Network in the area as they are bringing development to community and livelihood in households are being uplifted.